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Manual Car

Automatic Car

To begin taking driving lessons in the driving school cars, applicants must have a valid Cat ‘B’ learners permit. For more information on how to get a learners permit and applying for your driving test, click here.

If the issue date of your first category B (Car) learner permit is on or after 4th April 2011 and to sit your driving test, you must first complete all twelve Essential Driver Training (EDT) lessons.


EDT is a mandatory course consisting of twelve one-hour lessons. They a designed to cover critical driving skills. Each one needs to be passed before moving onto the next. You may need additional lessons with an instructor to improve your critical driving skills.

Your progress is recorded by your instructor in a specially issued logbook & will upload the training record to the RSA. You will only get an appointment for your driving test once twelve lessons have been completed, uploaded with RSA and your learners permit is six months old.

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